Every year when the sun starts to shine, we pack up our mobile mechanics kit and take to streets to offer free safety checks and tune ups on Bristolian’s bicycles.
- 8 June (12:00 – 17:00) | St Werburghs Farm Fair – St Werburghs City Farm
- 19 June (10:30 – 12:00) | ACH annual bike ride for the Refugee Festival – Easton Business Centre
- 21 June (11:00 – 14:30) | Be Together Bristol – Colston Hall
- 23 June (12:00 – 17:00) | Celebrating Sanctuary (Refugee Week) – Queen’s Square
- 9 July (10:00 – 14:00) | CASS Wellbeing Festival – Park Centre
- 3 August (11:00 – 16:00) | Redfest – St George’s Park
- 26 August | Community Awareness Fun Day– Rose Green Centre
So pop along and say hello! And if you want to learn how to do it yourself the next time, we’ll tell you about all the opportunities there are to brush up on your mechanics skills in our workshop.