The Bristol Bike Project


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Well, I made it out to Copenhagen for the Winterval and am L O V I N G all the bicycles out here (which i had anticipated). The bike lanes are everywhere and are as wide as the lanes for the cars. There is a great blog started by Mikael Colville-Andersen, called Copenhagenize that I came across a couple of years ago, which highlights the cycling life in Copenhagen. From it: “40 years ago Copenhagen was just as car-clogged as anywhere else but now 36% of the population arriving at work or education do so on bicycles, from all over the Metro area. 50% of Copenhageners themselves use bicycles each day. They all use over 1000 km of bicycle lanes in Greater Copenhagen for their journeys. Copenhagenizing is possible anywhere.”

Be sure to top up your festive glasses and sit back and watch Mikael Colville-Andersen’s excellent TED talk about Bicycle Culture by Design. Truly inspiring stuff.

~James L